The New York / Connecticut Association of Tax Professionals Emergency Assistance Program (EAP) was created several years ago and it is guided by an ongoing standing committee consisting of both Board members and members at large. The chairperson is Chuck Carpentieri. ►Contact Info◄
The EAP is available to all members of NY/CT ATP who face a critical health issue or other catastrophic event that will severely impact their ability to make it through tax filing season. It is the Emergency Committee’s job to collect, compile and monitor data related to our membership which is deemed to be critical in the process of matching needs with available resources. The Committee will be the first point of contact for a member in need.
The current Emergency Assistance Committee is comprised of Chuck Carpentieri, Amy Partrick, Carole Ramey, Leonard Schwartz and Robert Williams with full database support by Emmet Gemme.
Upon notification, the EAP Committee will facilitate the link up between a member in need of support and another member or members willing to provide such support. Based upon a database of information maintained by the Committee, a needs / resource review will be made to identify those members best suited to provide support to the member in need. The Committee will contact those members in an effort to gather enough resources to aid the member in need. In essence the EAP will enable the organization to match the needs of a member requiring assistance with the resources available within our organization to take care of that need. Once the link is made between a member in need and members willing to provide assistance, the Committee will stand back and allow the group to work out the details.
The Emergency Assistance Committee and the Board of Directors feel that a suggested rate of compensation be set within the program for those members providing assistance. The suggested rate of compensation is 50% of the current year fee. Note that this is a suggested rate and that the actual rate of compensation would be the one worked out between the parties involved – recognizing that this program is intended to assist those with a critical health issue.